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New Release


Peter E. Sabella

A Novel about Purpose, Choices, and Consequences

Foreword by Ilan Pappe

Ever since animal life came into being on the Animal Globe, animals were given a choice to live the way they choose. Nevertheless, with or without their knowledge, they have a deep connection to the Meadow of the Olive Tree created at the beginning of time and the Mystic Five Birds that live on top of the Olive Tree. Misunderstanding their purpose and adopting certain life mechanisms, animals continue to clash with the purpose of their very existence. They enter from one tragedy to another, all the while believing that they are doing the right thing!


In the story, Mr. Caesar, Chief of Penfield, thought he was doing the right thing, Old Humboldt, Chief of Penguin Colony, thought he was doing the right thing. Similarly, Boko’s Group, Wild Sheep, Wild Goats, and others thought they were doing the right thing! The Mystic Five Birds continue to remind the animals of the consequences of their choices. Still, most of the time to no avail….


Animal Globe is a story about Purpose, Choices and Consequences...

"For animal life to continue, life has to be preserved and the balance restored..."

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The cover of Animal Globe showing the agony of Black Rainbow

“This is a complex historical, political-socio-economic narrative, written as a wonderfully readable allegorical story.  Mr. Sabella addresses global history and conflict resulting from social status, class, race, and even climate change.  It concludes with an especially thoughtful theological/spiritual/Biblical message, holding up its central location- the Meadow of the Olive Tree - as a hopeful place.  Written for a wide audience and begging engagement with the narrative, the book is challenging and provocative.”

Dr. Peter E. Makari, Executive, Middle East, and Europe

Global Ministries of the UCC and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Praise & Reviews

“George Orwell’s Animal Farm inspired this page-turner dystopian novel. It is spellbinding and imaginative in creating metaphoric communities of various species without losing the clear connection to the real tragic tales it wishes to convey. “

Ilan Pappe 

Author & Historian of the Modern Middle East

Fascinating read! A thorough depiction of the human condition, presented through animals. Maybe taking a step back and reading history from the point of view of animals will make us humans reflect and realize how far we have gone in destroying each other's lives. 

Dr. Laila Shikaki

Assistant Professor - English Department - Birzeit University

Personal Invitation

You are cordially invited to attend one or all of the following launch and discussion events at the venues indicated hereunder:

To be advised - Jerusalem time, Official Book Launch

Book Launch in Jerusalem


Book Launch in Bethlehem

To be advised


Book Launch at Birzeit University

To be advised 

Author Peter E. Sabella

About Peter E. Sabella

Peter E. Sabella was born and raised in the Old City of Jerusalem. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Bethlehem University and holds a Master's degree in Peace and Development Studies from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. He is the author of Closed for Renovation- On the Road to Emmaus- a spiritual guide of the Holy Land towards a permanent pilgrimage (in English & French). He is a licensed tour guide for Israel and Palestine.

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